Monday, May 30, 2016

Heart of Strength: finding new strength each day.

This last week was the end of the school year for the high school and elementary school kids. We had to say good bye to them just incase we do not see them again during the summer programs. 

Through this whole month, programs for the kids and youth have been coming to an end. Even though it is nice to have a bit more free time, we still had meetings and events to attend. It's hard to keep things in order about what is done and what is left to do. A to-do list helps, but what I have learned is that I need to do a better job of checking the list on a more regular basis and updating it when new things pop up. Most of the time I forget what needs to get done by when, but God has been helping me keep what is important in mind and has been helping me remember what it is that I can do each day. 

I know that it will not be long before the day comes that I will leave Montana. I know that I am trying to prepare for life after I leave, but the most important strength that can be the hardest to learn when you are pulled in many different defections is to be present in the day and rejoice for the day given. I have learned this lesson for the ladies and gentleman at the Villa. They always advise not to wish for a day to come that has not come yet because you would waste a good day, and time is precious.

So my goal is to make the most of my time here to enjoy each day.

Becca and I each got a rose for one of our preschoolers on our last day helping out the preschool class.

Alex, Becca and I got wonderful thank you letters from the elementary school on their last day during assembly. 

I'm received this sweet card from the kind hearted people who I have work with in the elementary school's cafeteria. I don't think I will likely forget Montana and its many wonderful people I have gone the honor to meet.

I have received more memorable moments than I can show you with pictures. The lessons learned here are treasures. The friendships made are joys. Creatively and support springs from places you may not expect. Each day is a journey and a gift from God. With each day a chance to grow and learn new strengths comes from him.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Spring time pictures of Montana.

      My attempt at making dog sweaters with my new knitting skills. 

     The preschool class got to go on their own little safari scavenger hunt to find hidden toy animals.

      I am really glad that the Jump kids got to do this service project. It's called socks of love. They fill the socks with little soaps, shampoo bottles, ect; and the socks go to the food pantry. Because I do help out at the food pantry, I can safely say that this is a welcomed treat. And to answer a question about where is the other sock for the par, it's inside the first sock.

      This is something I don't believe I have ever seen; snow in late April. Yes, we had snow in late April out here. The funny part was that the week before the temperature was in the 70s. Yet, this is normal weather at times in Montana. To have snow in spring.

      This week the bees are out and so are the flowers. With the temperature in the 80s for part of the week. Starting to look like spring again.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

In the season of moving forward: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Since I have been in Chinook, I have been invited to see and live life differently. I have had time to think about where I have been and come from. I see each day as it is moment by moment with highs and lows. Let me assure you that the highs out way the lows. I have been wandering how to move forward since the day I came here, but even in this season I am still wondering.


I know that I will be moving forward after this time.  I’m enrolling at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary to get a dual degree in social work and ministry. When some friends found out that I wanted to go to Seminary, I got mixed reactions.  I kind of expected that. The second thing I learned, which helps to explain the first, was I didn't get time say "…to get a dual degree in social work." Their obvious thought was I was going to seminary to become a pastor. The truth is, I don't know if I am being called to become a pastor.  I do know when one tends to close the door that they could be call to ministry, God has a funny sense of humor and gets us to walk that road regardless.  But my initial goal is to learn how to help people.


Looking back I see when I’ve had this “close-the-door attitude” in my life. After college, I struggling to move forward and I did not know God was moving my feet forward anyway.  He was calling me to do what he wanted.  Even though I did not see or understand what was being done for me by those around me.  I had opportunities to help people by what work he provided me. Yet only when I came out here did I find this passion to help people. Here I was able to see what I missed.  Before when I worked, I was more concerned with myself.   I did not see the full joy I could have by being there for others and making them happy.


Now that I know where I am going, I still need to find work. I have concerns about this. But now, I know I will be able to help other in what I do.  I know that I will have fun at work and I know that God will take care of the rest of it.


So why am I bringing all of this up. A few months ago I was helping out the 3 year old class; the teacher asked the kids what they want to be when they grow up. I know when I was a kid and I had no answer.  I did not what to pick a job because I would be stuck with it.  I wanted to be and do many things. What I’ve learned here in Montana is that many adults have more the one job or more than one  responsibility or project to work on. I know that it can make life tough but I also think that it could make life rewarding, too.