Thursday, August 20, 2015

Just Getting Started

Hello Everyone,

This whole process of applying, waiting, and responding to this YAV program made for a long year. But now that the entry process is almost over and the YAV year about to start, I am excited and a little scared. I have a week of Orientations starting Monday. The fallowing Monday we head out to our sites. One there, we get introduced to our home for the year, the work that we will be doing, and the people we serve. 

I looked up Chinook a few weeks ago on the Internet. Where it is located, how big the area was, the current number of people living there, pictures of the town, what stories and places that one could go, too. What I found was Chinook is a little town near the border of Canada in the state of Montana. There are two bigger towns about a 30 minutes car ride away. One of which has a university.  There are museums, library, churches, schools, few local stores, an inn, but mostly homes for their residents. From my earlier phone interview they enjoy their home sports teams and games. This town is a town where everyone knows you even if you don't know them right away. Overall this is going to be a change from the other places that I have lived. 

I have been thinking how I am going to go about sharing my adventure with focus. My dad thinks that pictures and video clips of my time there could be useful. I may use some in my later entries. However, I feel that some of the best moments there will be hard to catch with a camera. I will have to work on my writing to help tell the story of this adventure.